Good Vibrations - Luka Korba #27

Luka Korba
2 min readFeb 7, 2022

Love Is The Medicine

If love is the medicine, the healer must be she.
I'm in need of my prescription, indefinitely.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and also helps you grow.
We might just be somebody's cure and yet we'll never know.

It is no secret that through love we heal.
What makes it possible for us to feel
immense compassion for another, even in a time of drought?
Like an addict and his drug, their love we cannot live without.

Sad but Light

The weight of my shoulders has been weighing me down,
making me feel like I'm afloat the ocean waiting to drown,
but I looked up and looked within to find a space to be seen.
Now, the weight is off my shoulders; Let me skip the in between,
because you can't ever find the words to match what you feel,
and if you think you found them, great, but don't forget what is real.
I'm feeling sad but also light and know that I'm here to stay;
In the perfection of the present I reside every day.

Good Vibrations

There's good vibrations in the air,
and the more that I become aware
of them, the more they come to light;
They tell me everything's alright.

These good vibrations lead the way;
There for us whenever we stray,
dispelling darkness, shedding light;
They tell us everything's alright.


Luka Korba

